
In 2014 the Lord started speaking to Matthew and Shany about starting a ministry.  They felt very strongly that Kenya, Uganda, Mexico, and the United States were some of the regions that were going to be touched in the early days of their ministry. They understood Kenya and Uganda as they have pastors, churches, and friends in those countries. Mexico was a place that they had ministered in, but there were no open doors and no grace to minister in that region at that time. They continued to seek the Lord and in 2015 while ministering in Holland the Lord made it very clear that the time was now. 

During a worship service the Lord continued to show the Mexican flag and the Kenyan flag to Matthew. He inquired of the Lord and He said, “I am sending you to Mexico to help with a work that is already established.” He didn’t fully understand what this meant. He asked Shany if the Lord had been speaking to her about anything. She began crying. She said while in worship the Lord came and laid the flag of Mexico over her back, and said "I am sending you back", as that is where she was born and spent the first 22 years of her life.

They still didn’t understand when, where, or how. Later that same day, they received an email from someone they hadn’t talked to in 8 months and were asked to pray about what the Lord might be saying about Mexico. They began fasting and praying, and the Lord made it clear that they were supposed to move there for a season. They stepped out in Faith and obedience and gave most everything they owned away, resigned from their jobs and have stepped out and committed their lives to the work of the Lord. 

This is the newest undertaking so more details will come as they unfold. They arrived in Mexico on October 11, 2015 and will be based out of Mexico indefinitely while continuing to oversee the work in Kenya and the United States.